Theme Wedding Planner in Kochi
Destination Wedding Planners
Beach Weddings in Kerala
Premium Wedding planners
Budget EstimateSilver (2.5 lakhs to 4 Lakhs)Gold(4 Lakhs to 7 Lakhs)Platinum(7 Lakhs to 15 Lakhs)Diamond(15 Lakhs and above)
Type of FunctionEngagementHaldiMehandiSankeet NightWedding EventReception Event
selectWedding ThemeStage design and décorWalkway StandsWalkway CarpetChair & Table CoversTable Center pieceThematic centerpeicesRound tablesBanquet / Plastic chairsEntrance décorWedding cakeCandle stand / LampPandal for the venueDraping / Scalloping of the venueCarpetingLCD ScreensBridal MakeupMehandi ArtistsLED wallCoolers/AC on Stage/Venue
SelectChurch entrance décorChurch aisle décorChurch walkway StandsChurch side wall décorPewbowsAltar décorFire confettiVIP Reservation Process in churchChair and Cushion for the couple in the ChurchCoolers/AC on churchBanquet / Plastic chairs for churchWedding luxury CarVintage carWedding car décorChurch offeringsPrayerbook printingManthrakodi basketRing cusion
SelectVenue LightingFood area lightingHouse lightingAmbience lighting
SelectMusical OrchestraDJGhazal /KhawaliJugal BandhiDance floorDance / Entry PerformanceForeign artists performancesMaster of Ceremony (MC's)Flower ConfettiFire confettiSeparate Platform for Entertainment Programs
SelectHostsHostessesGround Handling CoordinatorsSecurity /Valet ParkingTravel and stay Arrangements for the guestsVIP Reservation Process
SelectWedding FavoursInvitation CardWedding AccessoriesWish treePhotoboothGarlandsBridal BouquetBrides maid BouquetBridesmaid/GroomsmenFlower girl basketsCateringHoneymoon packages